Laboratorio di Farmacologia Biochimica e Comportamentale

Coordinatore: Prof.ssa Mariangela Serra (Professore Straordinario)

Esperienze in Laboratori esteri:

1984 - Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta - USA
1985-1986 - Research Associate, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona - USA

Linee di ricerca:
a) Alterazioni molecolari, neurochimiche e comportamentali indotte dallo stress cronico dovuto all’isolamento sociale nel ratto.
b) Ruolo dei neurosteroidi nel controllo dell'XXXXXX in modelli animali di epilessia.
c) Ruolo dei neurosteroidi nei disturbi dell’umore.
d) Caratterizzazione farmacologia di nuove molecole ad alta affinità e selettività per il recettore periferico per le benzodiazepine.


Serra M., Pisu M.G., Littera M., Papi G., Sanna E., Tuveri F., Usala L., Purdy R.H., Biggio G.
Social isolation-induced decreases in both the abundance of neuroactive steroids and GABAA receptor function in rat brain.
J. Neurochem. 75:732-740, 2000.

Serra M., Pisu M.G., Muggironi M., Parodo V., Papi G., Dazzi L., Spiga F., Purdy R.H., Biggio G.
Opposite effect of short- versus long-term administration of fluoxetine on the concentrations of neuroactive steroids in rat plasma and brain.
Psychopharmacol. 158: 48-54, 2001.

Serra M., Pisu M.G., Dazzi L., Purdy R.H., Biggio G.
Prevention of the stress-induced increase in the concentration of neuroactive steroids in rat brain by long-term administration of mirtazapine but not of fluoxetine.
J. Psychopharmacol.16: 133-138, 2002.

Serra M., Pisu M.G., Floris I., Cara V., Purdy R.H., Biggio G.
Social isolation-induced increase in the sensitivity of rats to the steroidogenic effect of ethanol.
J Neurochem. 85:257-263, 2003-2004.

Pisu M.G. and Serra M.
Neurosteroids and neuroactive drugs in mental disorder.
Life Sci 74: 3181-3197, 2004.


  Dott.ssa Pisu M. Giuseppina
(Ricercatore CNR)

  Dott. Floris Ivan (Dottorando in Neuroscienze)


Serra M., Littera M., Pisu M.G., Muggironi M., Purdy R.H., Biggio G.
Steroidogenesis in rat brain induced by short - and long - term administration of carbamazepine.
Neuropharmacol. 39: 2448-2456, 2000.

Pisu M.G., Papi G., Porcu P., Latrofa A., Trapani G., Biggio G., Serra M.
[3]CB 34, a selective ligand for peripheral benzodiazepine receptors, to rat brain membranes.
Eur. J Pharmacol. 432: 129-134, 2001.

Oberto A., Serra M, Pisu M.G., Biggio G., Eva C.
Changes in expression of the neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor gene in the medial amigdala of transgenic mice during pregnancy and after delivery.
J. Neurochem. 82: 1272-1281, 2002.

Serra M., Pisu M.G., Floris I., Floris S., Cannas E., Mossa A., Trapani G., Latrofa A., Purdy R.H., and G. Biggio.
Social isolation increases the response of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in the rat.
Neurochem. Inter. 45: 141-148, 2004